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Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Two Month Mark

What is it about the two month mark in a relationship that things get weird? Its an awkward unknown type of weird. Leading up to the two month mark, he's doing everything right, you are feeling great about things and then all of a sudden either he pulls away a little or you feel insecure and there is this weird tension. At least that seems to be what happens to me. This is a very bad cycle because when the man pulls away to test the waters or test the girl, the girl has two choices either continue acting the same, which could push him away or pull away herself with the hopes he will then do all the work again. Dating is a dance and for the first few months of this relationship, I was relieved that there were no games and everything was so easy. Now, I am questioning if my being so available is leaving him to lose interest. Maybe I should have followed "The Rules" and only hung out three days a week instead of 5!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Another Late Night Epiphanie...

Everyone should have a secret blog like this one. Its like the modern day diary, right? You can write your most personal feelings and then leave them out there for criticism, support, comments and no one knows it's you. I love that you guys can read my diary and thanks for all the love, support and even criticism! Feel free to comment on posts or email with private messages.

Sometimes just writing what you are thinking brings so much clarity, and if you know others can read it you are the much more aware of your craziness!
Well its late....and I am rambling again and cant spell...


DTR and What it means

So two weeks in Animal asked if I wanted to DTR...What is DTR you ask? I did too. Apparently it must have been on Oprah or something but DTR means Defining the Relationship. I laughed and thought, Its only been two weeks and we havent even consummated the relationship. So I said I wasn't seeing anyone else but I didn't think we should rush to put labels on things. I learned my lesson before and rushing into things usually ends up bad.

So two months later i was wondering why he hadn't asked me again about being his girlfriend I mean we had spent almost every day/night together for two months. Finally I had to bring up the DTR and he said he felt so awkward about how I had responded the first time that he didn't want to ask. good thing I brought it up I guess. Although, I like the version in my head where he BEGS me to be his girlfriend better. lol.

So now what I officially have a BF am I still able to write a blog called Single Girl LA? uhh its only been 7 weeks...and I feel like this is all part of the process of being single and having to stress about if someones conservative Jewish parents are going to accept you etc. Anyway Ill keep writing. I mean to still share crazy dating stories as well.

Here is an assessment tool I found online...if anything its interesting and amusing

According to the test on the link above, Animal and I have more Connection than Clarity in the relationship right now. But I think that's okay for where we are at. I'm not trying to be all SJP in Sex in the City here. I'm not going to over analyze everything! Hopefully!

I did want to mention that I had written a list of what I wanted in a husband on my vision board and put the paper away in a book months ago and just found it and Animal fits everything on my list...maybe I did man-a-fest him haha now I really sound crazy but hey whatever works!